
Travaux ayant utilisé les appareils ou services du Département de Génomique (2017, liste non exhaustive)

  • Deep sequencing is an appropriate tool for the selection of unique Hepatitis C virus (HCV) variants after single genomic amplification. PLoS One. 2017 Mar 31;12(3). Guinoiseau T, …, Gaudy-Graffin C. PubMed

Travaux ayant utilisé les appareils ou services du Département de Génomique (2016, liste non exhaustive)

  • Omics to Explore Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisEvolution: the Central Role of Arginine and Proline Metabolism. Mol Neurobiol.
    2016 Sep 2.
    Patin F, …, Blasco H. PubMed
  • Genome-wide association analyses identify newrisk variants and the genetic architecture of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Nat Genet. 2016 Sep;48(9):1043-8.van Rheenen W, …, Veldink JH. PubMed
  • Altered expression of the CCN genes in the lungs of mice in response to cigarette smoke exposure and viral and bacterial infections. Gene. 2016 Jul 15;586(1):176-83.Gueugnon F, …, Courty Y. PubMed
  • SCN4B acts as a metastasis-suppressor gene preventing hyperactivation of cell migration in breast cancer. Nat Commun. 2016.Bon E,…Roger S. Full Text
  • GABA/Glutamate synaptic pathways targeted by integrative genomic and electrophysiological explorations distinguish autism from intellectual disability. Mol Psychiatry. 2016 Mar;21(3):411-8.Bonnet-Brilhault F, …, Laumonnier. F. PubMed
  • Downregulation of the neonatal Fc receptor expression in non-small cell lung cancer tissue is associated with a poor prognosis. Oncotarget. 2016 Aug 23;7(34):54415-54429.Dalloneau E, …, Heuzé-Vourc'h N. Full Text

Travaux ayant utilisé les appareils ou services du Département de Génomique (2012-2013, liste non exhaustive)

  • ZC4H2 mutations are associated with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita and intellectual disability through impairment of central and peripheral synaptic plasticity. Hirata H, Nanda I, van Riesen A, McMichael G, Hu H, Hambrock M, Papon MA, Fischer U, Marouillat S, Ding C, Alirol S, Bienek M, Preisler-Adams S, Grimme A, Seelow D, Webster R, Haan E, MacLennan A, Stenzel W, Yap TY, Gardner A, Nguyen LS, Shaw M, Lebrun N, Haas SA, Kress W, Haaf T, Schellenberger E, Chelly J, Viot G, Shaffer LG, Rosenfeld JA, Kramer N, Falk R, El-Khechen D, Escobar LF, Hennekam R, Wieacker P, Hübner C, Ropers HH, Gecz J, Schuelke M, Laumonnier F, Kalscheuer VM. Am J Hum Genet. 2013, 2;92(5):681-95. Full text
  • Xq27 FRAXA locus is a strong candidate for dyslexia: evidence from a genome-wide scan in French families. Huc-Chabrolle M, Charon C, Guilmatre A, Vourc’h P, Tripi G, Barthez MA, Sizaret E, Thepault RA, Le Gallic S, Hager J, Toutain A, Raynaud M, Andres C, Campion D, Laumonnier F, Bonnet-Brilhault F. Behav Genet. 2013, ;43(2):132-40. Full text
  • A rare motor neuron deleterious missense mutation in the DPYSL3(CRMP4) gene is associated with ALS. Blasco H, Bernard-Marissal N, Vourc’h P, Guettard YO, Sunyach C, Augereau O, Khederchah J, Mouzat K, Antar C, Gordon PH, Veyrat-Durebex C, Besson G, Andersen PM, Salachas F, Meininger V, Camu W, Pettmann B, Andres CR, Corcia P; French ALS Study Group. Hum Mutat. 2013;34(7):953-60. Full text
  • Study of the HFE gene common polymorphisms in French patients with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Praline J, Blasco H, Vourc’h P, Rat V, Gendrot C, Camu W, Andres CR; French ALS Study Group. J Neurol Sci. 2012, 15;317(1-2):58-61. Pubmed
  • LIMK2d, a truncated isoform of Lim kinase 2 regulates neurite growth in absence of the LIM kinase domain. Tastet J, Vourc’h P, Laumonnier F, Vallée B, Michelle C, Duittoz A, Bénédetti H, Andres CR.. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012, 6;420(2):247-52. Pubmed
  • mRNA-selective translation induced by FSH in primary Sertoli cells. Musnier A, León K, Morales J, Reiter E, Boulo T, Costache V, Vourc’h P, Heitzler D, Oulhen N, Poupon A, Boulben S, Cormier P, Crépieux P. Mol Endocrinol. 2012;26(4):669-80. Pubmed
  • Co-occurrence of progressive anarthria with an S393L TARDBP mutation and ALS within a family. Praline J, Vourc’h P, Guennoc AM, Veyrat-Durebex C, Corcia P. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2012;13(1):155-7. Pubmed

Travaux ayant utilisé les appareils ou services du Département de Génomique (2004-2006)

  • 80 publications (dont 12 publications à Impact Factor > 10), 15 thèses, 19 mémoires master, 90 posters et communications, 3 actions de valorisation de grands publics (expositions)
  • Implication dans des contrats de recherche: projets collaboratifs régionaux, nationaux et européens